サーモフィッシャーサイエンティフィック株式会社 様

Thermo Fisher Scientific is a leading international enterprise that serves the world’s scientific community. They provide a wide array of analytical instruments, lab equipment, reagents and consumables, along with software and services for research, manufacturing, analysis, discovery and diagnostics.
Info Cubic Japan began managing Thermo Fisher Scientific’s PPC account in June of 2011, and during the first year of this relationship, the client has observed a strong and steady positive outcome thanks to the superb communication, highly flexible approach and impressive skills at keyword optimization employed by Info Cubic.

Mr. Watt has been particularly impressed with the degree of individualized personal attention offered to his company, with Info Cubic Japan team members offering valuable feedback on the effectiveness of their keywords, along with detailed explanations on how various systems function. Info Cubic Japan’s monthly reports are suitably detailed and very well written, while the in-person monthly meetings are essential for obtaining highly valuable and useful information. This has enabled Thermo Fisher Scientific to further develop and optimize their web presence.

Info Cubic Japan has so far managed to increase Thermo Fisher Scientific’s keyword impression rate greatly in just one year. Their page rankings have shown an overall increase on Google search queries, while conversions have continued to increase.

What made you choose Info Cubic Japan as your partner?
Our previous vendor had decided to leave the adwords business, and I was appointed to take the lead in managing our adwords needs. As a native English speaker, I immediately began searching for a truly international PPC vendor based in Japan. From what I saw at the time, I was not very optimistic I could find what we needed. Our requirements were:
・Capability of communicating with me in English
・A deep understanding of both Japanese business marketing and search engine marketing in Japan
・The ability to optimize keywords in both English and in the three different writing systems used in Japanese, namely the Chinese characters along with the two phonetic character sets of hiragana and katakana. Thus, the four systems (including English) present a formidable challenge when compiling keywords.
Fortunately, after just a few searches I found a site that compared vendors of Google Adwords in Japan and throughout Asia. I contacted all the companies that appeared suitable, which was about eight firms. I eventually found myself in the office of Info Cubic Japan, and soon determined them to be the best choice for our needs.
What kind of services exactly did you request Info Cubic Japan to do?
We requested their primary role to perform Pay Per Click management. We required a vendor to monitor and react to our keyword investment on a fixed budget. At first we only had a keyword list of those for analytical products, but since our catalog is very diverse with thousands and thousands of products, the Info Cubic team has been keeping apace, helping us optimize the keywords for our other product categories as well.
Specifically, what was the most helpful deliverable from Info Cubic Japan’s PPC service?
Valuable information. During our relationship, Info Cubic Japan has shared a great deal of advice with us in an effort to boost both site visibility and our conversion rate. I also meet with Info Cubic in person every month to review results and receive advice on how to further improve our PPC standing.
また、インフォキュービックさんのCEO、山岸ロハン氏と彼のチームが当社のマーケティングスタッフにGoogle Adwordsに関するプレゼンテーションを行ってくれたことも、たいへん有益でした。当社のスタッフにとって、Google Adwordsの仕組みやウェブサイト上で各事業部の製品の露出を増やす方法についての基礎知識を得られる、またとない機会となったからです。
What are the good points of Info Cubic Japan compared with other companies?
We have only used one other vendor, but based on that experience I would have to say that the monthly meetings face-to-face are useful and stimulating compared to the simple e-mail communication with our previous vendor. So, when dealing with technical terminology and reviewing monthly progress reports, meeting in the same room is essential for keeping both sides on the same page.
We have found that Info Cubic Japan makes every effort to tailor their services to our needs, and proof of this is in their informative and valuable monthly reports. Most importantly, response time to keyword changes is far shorter, which is very important when we need to launch a quick promotion or release details on a new product.
We are also very pleased with an extra service offered. Earlier this year, Info Cubic Japan CEO Rohan Yamagishi and his team came to our office in Yokohama and made an Adwords presentation to our marketing staff. This was a great opportunity to give our marketing managers and staff a basic understanding of how Google Adwords functions and how each product division could bring more virtual exposure to their particular product website location.
What do you expect next from Info Cubic Japan?
It is clear to us that Info Cubic Japan shares our concern about the visibility of our website, and we hope to continue this productive relationship into the future. We particularly appreciate the flexibility of their approach, which we find very easy to work with. Obviously we are seeking a steady and continued increase in conversions and impressions in the months and years to come, and we have every confidence that Info Cubic Japan can live up to this expectation.