
社員紹介:コンテンツマーケティングチーム Sage

check Please tell us about your background. / これまでの経緯を教えて下さい

I grew up on the west coast of Canada and moved to Hawai’i after high school. I did university in Hawai’i and Okinawa, where I studied Japanese language. Friends in university inspired me to work in PR/marketing. Having been to Japan many times and learned the language, I decided to make the move to Japan in January 2020. I started my life in Japan at a PR agency where I dealt with media promotion and some digital marketing. Media promotion involved introducing Japanese clients’ new information to the overseas web media. Digital marketing operations were mainly running clients’ social media accounts and Amazon, and some SEO.

My transition to the digital marketing field was based on the fact that digital marketing is on the front line of the world’s communications and will get more important going forward.




check What is your current job doing at Info Cubic Japan? / インフォキュービック・ジャパンでの業務を教えて下さい

I’m a member of the content marketing team, where I mainly help guide clients’ social media content strategy. Operations include proposing social media post ideas, English-Japanese translation, proofreading, and assisting clients who are new to social media.



check What do you think is the strength of Info Cubic Japan? / インフォキュービック・ジャパンの魅力を教えて下さい

Being able to work in a diverse environment, with team members from Japan and all over the world, attracted me at first. It’s very rewarding to work alongside globally-thinking people with international backgrounds.

I’m also enthusiastic about how Info Cubic Japan both promotes Japanese clients’ information to the rest of the world, as well as introduces foreign clients’ business to Japan.




check What are you interested in outside of work? / 趣味や休暇について教えて下さい

Fitness is very important to me, so a lot of my time is spent working out in the gym and cooking healthy food. I’m also into thorough exploration of Tokyo and Japan’s local spots. I’m always looking for good parks and hiking. I’ve loved music as long as I can remember, both listening and playing instruments.

I travel to different prefectures much as I can to experience local culture and try all of the regional food.

社員紹介コンテンツマーケティングSage back ground







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