
社員紹介:デジタルプロモーションチーム Kristine

社員紹介 デジタルプロモーションチーム:クリスティーン

check Please tell us about your background. / これまでの経緯を教えて下さい

My name is Kristine, I can speak 2 languages (Namely English and Tagalog), and currently, I am studying Japanese. Although I graduated from an Entrepreneurship program, I worked at a well-known digital advertising company in my home country for a year, then shifted my focus to working in events & branding for a high-end digital printing company. During the pandemic, I quit my job and moved to Japan to live with my husband. In the first few months, I worked as a part-time English-speaking babysitter and part-time social media strategist for an English school in Shibuya. Once I got better used to living in Japan, I found Info Cubic Japan and applied as an assistant Digital Marketing Consultant.



check What is your current job doing at Info Cubic Japan? / インフォキュービック・ジャパンでの業務を教えて下さい

Previously, I worked as a part-timer and got promoted to a full-time position after 6 months. I currently support our team in the operation and analysis of our client’s web advertisements. I also create some English assets for our clients looking to promote their brands abroad.



check What makes you feel difficult at work?/業務で難しいと感じる部分はありますか?

Although it is an international company, Japanese is still the primary tool for communication in the office. Since I am still learning the language, it can often be difficult to communicate; however, I see it as a wonderful opportunity to practice. My colleagues have been very patient with me! My listening skills definitely improved because of them.



check What is the most rewarding moment?/やりがいを感じる瞬間は?

In my previous work, I worked with many brands over the years, and I always found it satisfying when we reached our project goals. The drive to ensure the client’s expectations are met or exceeded keeps me going!



check What do you think is the strength of Info Cubic Japan? / インフォキュービック・ジャパンの魅力を教えて下さい

I’ve always been interested in marketing, but I’ve gained a strong interest in helping brands to do more in digital marketing. After seeing Info Cubic’s work style, company culture, and how it has helped thousands of brands have a voice in the digital landscape, I had a solid intent to join the team. So far, it has been a worthwhile experience!



check Please tell us about your experiences that impressed you./ 印象に残った体験談を教えてください

After joining the company, I was amazed at the teamwork between multiple nationalities; it’s a melting pot of cultures working together to achieve the same goal. Each member has a vital role in the company, and each individual respects and supports the other. During break time, Whenever I talk with my colleagues, I learn something new about their home country.



check What are you interested in outside of work? / 趣味や休暇について教えて下さい

While living in the Philippines, I visited the beach once a month. I used to call myself an island girl (although I get seasick a lot (laugh)). Internationally, I’ve been to Singapore, South Korea, the US, and Japan. I recently traveled to the US to visit my in-laws and returned to the Philippines to have my church wedding after 2 years of postponement due to the pandemic. My dream is to travel and experience as many countries as possible in this lifetime!

If I’m not visiting a new city on weekends, I will drag my husband to go shopping, watch shows on Netflix and YouTube, eat and drink, or rearrange my Summikkogurashi collection.





check What do you want to try in the future?/今後、どんなことに挑戦したいですか?

I want to start ticking things off my bucket list, such as Sky Diving, Cliff Diving, visiting the Eiffel tower, or going on a world cruise.






吉田 真帆

吉田 真帆 マーケティング部 プランナー

コンテンツ・SNS・メールマーケティングを統括しています。 オーストラリア永住権を取得したにも関わらず、思いもよらず日本に帰国。日本9年を経て、現在はシンガポールからフルリモート中。