I want to become a leader of globalization and a professional in the industry.
Digital Marketing Team Paul
Using my language skills that I learned in graduate school, I wanted to connect the world of business.
Using what I have learned in graduate school, I wanted to do something with business and marketing. I decided to come here partly because of my interest in Web. Being from California, I've always admired Silicon Valley, so I was interested in web marketing such as Google. Eventually my interest shifted to SEO and online marketing and I was drawn to this company.

Info Cubic had the work environment to give shape to my ideas
"An environment that allows you to give shape to ideas". If you have a good reason and the desire to challenge something, you can try almost anything. Also, I was looking for constantly changing work, and Info Cubic is exactly that. I like it here because everyday it's something diferent. I think this is because we come across various cultures and customs through meeting with clients from all over the world.
The important thing is to provide a service that satisfies the client
An important part of work is to satisfy your clients. Aside from clear communication with the cleints, I work hard to provide a solution that fits the client's needs. Since we are a global business, our goal is to share the sense of "growth" with clients from abroad coming to Japan or clients in Japan going abroad.
Objective: Become an Internet marketing professional
I want to become a professional in the industry. To do that, first I need to learn more about advertising and become a leader that can motivate and train others. Currently I have lots of opportunities to speak about with clients and I hope to expand my connections. As a marketer of the global industry, I hope to become a leader of globalization in the future.
The secret to growth is an environment that changes everyday
Like the "Law of universal gravitation" of Newton, in our company, work leads to more work, and success leads to more success. At the base of it all is "change" on a daily basis. This is also what makes work so much fun, so you will start wanting to get involved in more work.

Entered Novemeber 2013Paul
Digital Marketing Team