Digital Marketing for Japan

Leave your digital marketing targeted at Japan, a trendsetter in Asia's digital economy, to us. We utilize powerful local digital media such as Google, Yahoo Japan, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. At the same time, our native experts propose and manage solutions tailored to your business needs in Japan.

Seeking effective ways to disseminate your company's business information to Japan?

In Japan, internet penetration is 84.9 percent, with over 100 million users. Within this environment, how many potential customers might be interested in your business across these digital media? At Info Cubic, we conduct research and analysis of marketing data such as 'needs and competitive conditions' to devise more effective marketing strategies for Japan. Based on our research data, we propose cost-effective promotions tailored to your business objectives and project size.

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Considering a multifaceted approach to the market in Japan?

Internet users in Japan, seeking new brands, use digital media such as 'social media,' 'search engines,' and 'corporate websites. Info Cubic provides comprehensive support for 'social media management and advertising,' 'Japanese digital advertising delivery, and 'Japanese website creation.' By quickly implementing PDCA for customer acquisition measures that match the stage of business growth, we assist in establishing your company's unique 'digital communication' in the Japanese market.

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SEM for Japan

SEM is one of the most crucial digital strategies in Japanese web marketing.

Our Japanese marketing experts guide you through every step, from selecting the most effective platforms like Google and Yahoo! JAPAN to reach potential buyers to managing your advertising campaigns.

Social Media Marketing for Japan

We support ad placements and account management on various popular social media in Japan, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram.

In Japan, web marketing and social media are essential for business success. However, the popularity of these social media platforms means that many corporate accounts are already crowded, and merely broadcasting information from corporate accounts can be less effective. Therefore, at Info Cubic, in addition to creating and managing social media content, we propose advertising placements and account management on overwhelmingly popular social media like 'Facebook' and 'Instagram.'

Digital Content Creation for Japan

We aim for site usability that considers potential customers' preferences and thoughts.

We create high-quality websites that deliver your message to Japanese people who enjoy the internet for long hours daily. Our copywriting, translation, and web design consider Japanese unique culture and trends. Based on proven track records, we also implement technical and systematic measures to improve and stabilize access speed, which can affect user site abandonment.